About API

About API

About Asset Analyzer Api.

In order to widely use of the asset analyzer, we publish some data with API. Please use it for blogs, website and data analysis.


It is an API to get the asset data listed on the BlockchainGameInfo. You can get daily data, including the highest price, lowest price, average, number of transactions, and total transaction volume of each asset. The data that can be retrieved will be the past 30 days.

Supported Games

My Crypto Heroes
Brave Frontier Heroes
Contract Servant(Datas via Offcial Market)
Watch more from bellow.


You can get daily data for a single asset by making a GET request to the URL below.


GET https://api.blockchaingame.jp/api/v1/assets/{contract_address}/{token_id}?api_token={api_token}

GET Parameters

Key Required Value
contract_address yes The NFT contract address for the assets
token_id yes token's id in game. (例: 50070001)
api_token yes Issued key.
currency no You can use ETH,USD,JPY. default is ETH


Api returns in Json format.

Code Detail
200 Succeed
404 Invalid parameters
5xx Server error

Json details

key value details
result code 0: 成功1: 指定のリソースが存在しない2: 認証エラー
message 0: Success1: Not Found.2: Authentication error.
data list event_index: データの日付
high: 最高値
low: 最安値
games_title ゲームのタイトル名
asset_name アセット名
asset_url BCGI内のアセットURL
currency 通貨の単位(ETH,USD,JPY)

Response Example

In Succeed

    "result": {
        "code": 0,
        "message": "success."
    "data": {
        "list": [
                "event_index": "2020-03-01",
                "high": 0.008,
                "low": 0.008,
                "average": 0.008,
                "num": "1",
                "total": 0.008
                "event_index": "2020-03-02",
                "high": null,
                "low": null,
                "average": null,
                "num": 0,
                "total": 0
        "games_title: "F1 Delta Time",
        "asset_name": "Australia Edition 2020",
        "asset_url": "https://blockchaingame.jp/asset/8589"
        "currency: ETH"

In error

    "result": {
        "code": 1,
        "message": "Not Found."
    "data": {

How to know Contract Address

You can check it from the shared data at the bottom of asset page.

How to know Asset’s token id.

Find the ID of asset you own, or use the sample ID in the Share section at the bottom of the asset page.

Requesting Api key

Please contact us from the contact page or Twitter DM. Please enter the media name and contact email address you plan to use.

Graph JS

We also have paste code to embed the graph output. Please use the asset paste code at the bottom of the asset page.


When using it, please put a link to the BlockchainGameInfo in a place on the website where you can find it.