

Seller Name

GMO Media, Inc.

Person in Charge of Sales

Teruyuki Mori


〒150-8512 Cerulean Tower, 26-1 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Contact Information

Contact Form|https://blockchaingame.jp/page/contact_us


Phone Number|050-3131-1517 (Weekdays)

※When making inquiries, please specify the name of the service you are using.
※Responses to inquiries are generally made via email. We appreciate your cooperation.
※Depending on the inquiry situation, it may take several days to respond.

Product Price

Based on the price displayed on the screen during the purchase procedure

Fees Other Than Product Price

Various costs related to internet connection

Payment Timing

Before the provision of the product

Payment Method

Credit card payment using the online payment service provided by Stripe

Payment Deadline

For payments using Stripe, payment will be made on the date specified by Stripe and the affiliated credit card companies.

Delivery Time

Promptly after payment completion and completion of procedures separately specified within the service.

Returns, Exchanges, Cancellations, etc.

Due to the nature of the product, exchanges or returns are not accepted.