Defend the Kingdom, a casual tower defense blockchain game that allows players to earn rewards through PvP and PvE.
The $KING is implemented as the in-game currency, a native token required to trade, buy, sell, and upgrade, and players will need $KING to purchase spellbooks and rare and exclusive items in the game Defend The Kingdom. $KING is also used as currency in the marketplace.
Genre: PVP tower defense
Compatibility: iOS, Android
Usage: Free for basic play (with in-service charges)
Release date: 2023
Status: Under release
P2E: Supported
Language: English, Japanese
Network: Ethereum/Polygon
Distribution platform: FRACTAL,
NFT: Hero
Token: $KING (in-game token)
Marketplace: FRACTAL
Provider/Developer: Monkey Kingdom Limited
Partners: Shima Capital, Infinity ventures, etc.
White Paper: https://kingdomverse.xyz/assets/whitepaper.pdf