
◾️Game Overview
Worldwide Webb is a 2D pixel art MMORPG metaverse game built on the Ethereum blockchain, inspired by the immersive style of Ready Player One. Developed by Thomas Webb, this interoperable virtual world allows players to use NFT avatars and assets from various collections such as CryptoPunks, Bored Apes, MoonCats, and CrypToadz. The game features open-world exploration, social interaction, and battles, all set in a retro-style pixel art environment that blends Web3 and classic gaming aesthetics.

◾️Game Content
• Set in the fictional "DeSat City"
• Land ownership and custom space creation
• Quest participation
• Use of NFT avatars (native, external, and Worldwide Webb-specific)
• Collection and enhancement of NFT pets
• PvP battles
• Purchase, construction, and customization of virtual land
• Hosting events and trading items
• Acquisition and trading of in-game items

• Interoperability: Ability to integrate NFTs from numerous collections, making Worldwide Webb a shared metaverse for various communities
• Play-to-Earn (P2E): Players can acquire and trade NFTs, and earn in-game rewards
• Land Ownership: Players can purchase, develop, and trade land within the metaverse, creating unique spaces for socializing and trading
• NFT Integration: Avatars, pets, and other assets are NFT-based, allowing players to bring their digital collections into the game for various in-game activities

◾️Basic Information
• Game Title: Worldwide Webb
• Genre: MMORPG, Open World Adventure
• Compatibility: Browser-based, accessible on both desktop and mobile
• Price: Free-to-play (with options to purchase NFTs and land)
• Development Status: Alpha version
• P2E: Available
• Blockchain: Ethereum (with Layer 2 scaling via Immutable X)
• Token: No specified native token, but extensive use of NFTs is a key feature
• NFT: Supports avatars, pets, items, and land as NFTs
• Developer/Publisher: Thomas Webb and the Worldwide Webb team

Worldwide Webb screen shot

「Worldwide Webb」Ratings and Reviews

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Daily Data

Monthly Data

If there is no transaction history within the specified period, graphs may not be displayed.



Vol/day Vol/7day this month this month's ARPPU
Volume 0 0 2.5 0
Transaction 0 1 2


DAU/24h this month this month's Paid User this month's new wallets
0 0 0 0


TotalPlayer MostExpensive MostPaidUser Balance
14 289.04 1298.72 58.4

Daily Volume Ranking

順位 日付 取引量
1 2022/03/14 289.04
2 2021/12/06 149.07
3 2022/01/12 112.45
4 2021/12/26 103.5
5 2022/01/05 86.99

Daily DAU Ranking

順位 日付 取引量
1 2021/11/29 4
2 2021/11/30 2
3 2023/08/30 2
4 2022/11/10 2
5 2022/11/01 2

Wallet Ranking

DAW: Daily Active Wallet
MAW: Monthly Active Wallet
Paid User : Number of people who have tx over 0 eth volume.
ARPPU : Average Revenue per Paid User.
This graph is drawn by Japanese time zone.

Check ContractAddress

Check ContractAddress
1 0xb8d682deb3014fb...
2 0x6c1fb499c31aedc...