
Sorare is a fantasy sports game utilizing blockchain technology that allows users to collect, buy and sell digital player cards, organize virtual teams and participate in competitions based on real-life game results. The game supports multiple sports, including soccer, NBA, and MLB, and is officially licensed by each league.

*DAUs reflect operations such as deposits and withdrawals.
Buying and selling of cards is reflected only in the number of transactions and not in DAU.
For more information on buying and selling cards, please see the Asset Analyzer.

Title: Sorare
Genre : Fantasy soccer
■Fee : Free of charge
■Models supported : Web browser
■Release Date : 2019
■Status : In release
■P2E : Supported
■Languages : English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Turkic, Arabic, Russian
■ Blockchain : Ethereum
■Distribution platform :
■NFT : Player cards
■Tokens : -
■Development Partners:
■Provider/Developer : Sorare, SAS.

Sorare screen shot

「Sorare」Ratings and Reviews



Daily Data

Monthly Data

If there is no transaction history within the specified period, graphs may not be displayed.



Vol/day Vol/7day this month this month's ARPPU
Volume 0 0 90.9 0
Transaction 0 11 785


DAU/24h this month this month's Paid User this month's new wallets
0 0 0 0


TotalPlayer MostExpensive MostPaidUser Balance
18333 419.96 99313.59 322.38

Daily Volume Ranking

順位 日付 取引量
1 2021/02/26 1122.49
2 2021/02/27 998.75
3 2022/02/01 905.72
4 2021/02/28 773.9
5 2021/03/02 765.68

Daily DAU Ranking

順位 日付 取引量
1 2021/03/02 473
2 2021/03/03 468
3 2021/03/01 424
4 2021/03/09 416
5 2021/03/04 406

Wallet Ranking

rank Wallet Volume
1 0x19f494583c... 99313.59
2 0xa6199ba2e5... 12613.69
3 0x98db3a41bf... 3996.29
4 0x0d43906566... 1469.41
5 0x5a367a7fc7... 1313.39
6 0x01bf1d7c5e... 980.3
7 0x12f755c507... 767.2
8 0xb862bc6e62... 737.2
9 0xf748879edb... 620.07
10 0x3a22282cbd... 424.56

DAW: Daily Active Wallet
MAW: Monthly Active Wallet
Paid User : Number of people who have tx over 0 eth volume.
ARPPU : Average Revenue per Paid User.
This graph is drawn by Japanese time zone.