
TAP FANTASY is a blockchain-based MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) where players can earn cryptocurrency and NFTs (non-fungible tokens) by participating in various minigames and PvP (player versus player) modes. The game is free to play and can be started directly on a web page or wallet.

Game Content
In TAP FANTASY, players form teams of three heroes to battle other adventurers and earn trophy points. Players can also challenge the "Great Rift" to defeat more powerful mobs for special rewards. Equipment and materials earned in-game can be sold to other players on the marketplace. NFTs are used as skins, which provide additional skills and resistance to different attributes. These skins can be upgraded in-game.

PvP mode: Battle other players in the Colosseum.
Great Rift: Challenge mode to battle high-difficulty enemies.
Marketplace: Sell equipment and materials to other players.
NFT skins: Enhance heroes' skills and appearance.
NFT skin upgrades: Increase skin intimacy using magic crystals and TAP tokens.

Basic Information

Game title: TAP FANTASY
Supported devices: Web, mobile
Price: Free
Development status: Playable
P2E: Yes
Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
Token: TAP
NFTs: Skins, land, etc.
Publisher/Developer: Mmobay Co. Ltd

Tap Fantasy screen shot

「Tap Fantasy」Ratings and Reviews

Started Game Date:2024/01/15




Daily Data

Monthly Data

If there is no transaction history within the specified period, graphs may not be displayed.



Vol/day Vol/7day this month this month's ARPPU
Volume 0 0 0 0
Transaction 0 0 647


DAU/24h this month this month's Paid User this month's new wallets
0 0 0 0


TotalPlayer MostExpensive MostPaidUser Balance
12560 22.82 398.18 0

Daily Volume Ranking

順位 日付 取引量
1 2022/02/23 53.67
2 2024/06/21 43.46
3 2022/12/18 42.47
4 2022/03/08 39.92
5 2022/12/17 32.47

Daily DAU Ranking

順位 日付 取引量
1 2022/02/22 3468
2 2022/02/23 1109
3 2022/05/23 493
4 2023/12/26 479
5 2022/02/25 452

Wallet Ranking

rank Wallet Volume
1 0x13fab931b5... 398.18
2 0xad7fd3f23b... 20.81
3 0x76d5934171... 18.8
4 0x88dbb1a5b8... 15.13
5 0x5a99c227b4... 15
6 0x7a6a3a2379... 11.64
7 0xf195faa060... 8.5
8 0x30a53eb72a... 8.17
9 0x24b7599757... 7.44
10 0x4904eb7b4f... 7.21

DAW: Daily Active Wallet
MAW: Monthly Active Wallet
Paid User : Number of people who have tx over 0 eth volume.
ARPPU : Average Revenue per Paid User.
This graph is drawn by Japanese time zone.

Check ContractAddress

Check ContractAddress
1 0x35bedbf9291b222...