Mones is a hero-collecting RPG where you collect and train over 200 hero characters to become skilled warriors and fight.
A hero-collecting RPG where players collect and train over 200 heroes to become warriors, fight in PvE/PvP battles, and rule their kingdoms.
Genre: Multiplayer, Online, RPG, PVP, PVE
Compatibility: iOS,Android
Usage: Free to Play.
Release date: In release.
Demo version:-
P2E: Supported
Language: English
Network: BNB
Distribution platform: App Store, Google Play
NFT: Characters, items, weapons
Guild function: Supported
Token: $MONE
Staking: Supported MONE DAO
Lending: -
Marketplace: Internal
IEO : -
IDO : -
INO : -
Smart contract audit : verichains.io
Provider: MONES
Partners: Play It Forward, LaunchZone, etc.
White paper: https://whitepaper.mones.io/about-mones/introduction
email: contact@mones.io

「Mones」Ratings and Reviews
Daily Data
Monthly Data
If there is no transaction history within the specified period, graphs may not be displayed.
Vol/day | Vol/7day | this month | this month's ARPPU | |
Volume | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Transaction | 0 | 0 | 0 |
DAU/24h | this month | this month's Paid User | this month's new wallets |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
TotalPlayer | MostExpensive | MostPaidUser | Balance |
11446 | 3.5 | 27.65 | 0 |
Daily Volume Ranking
順位 | 日付 | 取引量 |
1 | 2022/09/09 | 7.67 |
2 | 2022/09/19 | 7.61 |
3 | 2022/07/16 | 7.56 |
4 | 2022/07/26 | 7.28 |
5 | 2022/08/26 | 6.69 |
Daily DAU Ranking
順位 | 日付 | 取引量 |
1 | 2022/07/08 | 2084 |
2 | 2022/08/19 | 669 |
3 | 2022/07/09 | 439 |
4 | 2022/10/15 | 411 |
5 | 2022/09/05 | 400 |
Wallet Ranking
rank | Wallet | Volume |
1 | 0x50de3e34f0... | 27.65 |
2 | 0xa9d88a9e07... | 16.69 |
3 | 0xa2f0d8a5de... | 11.93 |
4 | 0x64b31cf25f... | 8.51 |
5 | 0x52da71e41f... | 6.81 |
6 | 0x489302c3e4... | 6.05 |
7 | 0xceb2ede796... | 6.02 |
8 | 0xf2453b7c65... | 5.82 |
9 | 0x191447fab0... | 5.58 |
10 | 0xed129a98d9... | 5.09 |
DAW: Daily Active Wallet
MAW: Monthly Active Wallet
Paid User : Number of people who have tx over 0 eth volume.
ARPPU : Average Revenue per Paid User.
This graph is drawn by Japanese time zone.
Check ContractAddress
Check ContractAddress | |
1 | 0xac3050C7cc3Bd83... |
2 | 0x89c68098aF9FD68... |
3 | 0xF14517cCdF954aa... |
4 | 0x9bAdbd7cceD2E9f... |
5 | 0x3F4769b342E278C... |
6 | 0x8EccBb88CC1D272... |
7 | 0x6453d5fe3d5C752... |
8 | 0x3D0E4FE8b6B86B4... |