MIR4 is a P2E MMORPG that recreates the elegant and mysterious beauty of the Orient, developed by Korean developer Wemade. The game features a "Character Customization" feature that allows players to customize their characters down to the smallest detail, "Monk factions" where players with a common goal gather and cooperate with each other, "Free Routing" where players can fight for the famous treasures that appear after defeating field bosses, and "Strange Scenarios" where players can unlock secrets hidden in various locations on the MIR continent. The "Free Routing" feature allows players to battle for famous treasures that appear when they defeat field bosses, and the "Ki-Ren" scenario allows players to uncover secrets hidden in various locations on the MIR continent.
Game Title : MIR4
Supported OS : Smartphone version : iOS 13.0 or higher, Android 6.0 or higher PC version : Windows 7 or higher , MAC(M1)
Usage fee: Free of charge
Release date: August 26, 2021
Status: Under release
P2E: Supported
Languages: English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean
Distribution platforms: Steam, Google Play, App Store, Galaxy Store
NFT: Character, Guild function: Supported
Guild function: Supported
Tokens: $HYDRA, $DRACO, $DSP
Staking: NFT character
Lending: -
Synthesis function
Marketplace: XDRACO / https://www.xdraco.com/nft/list
Smart Contract Auditing: -
Sold by: Wemade
Developer: Wemade Next
WEB page: https://www.wemade.com/
Partners : -
White Papers : -

「MIR4」Ratings and Reviews
Daily Data
Monthly Data
If there is no transaction history within the specified period, graphs may not be displayed.
Vol/day | Vol/7day | this month | this month's ARPPU | |
Volume | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Transaction | 75 | 609 | 0 |
DAU/24h | this month | this month's Paid User | this month's new wallets |
52 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
TotalPlayer | MostExpensive | MostPaidUser | Balance |
4899 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Daily Volume Ranking
順位 | 日付 | 取引量 |
1 | 2023/09/23 | 0 |
2 | 2023/11/12 | 0 |
3 | 2023/11/18 | 0 |
4 | 2023/11/17 | 0 |
5 | 2023/11/16 | 0 |
Daily DAU Ranking
順位 | 日付 | 取引量 |
1 | 2023/09/24 | 384 |
2 | 2023/09/23 | 313 |
3 | 2023/09/27 | 208 |
4 | 2023/10/02 | 201 |
5 | 2023/09/28 | 200 |
Wallet Ranking
rank | Wallet | Volume |
DAW: Daily Active Wallet
MAW: Monthly Active Wallet
Paid User : Number of people who have tx over 0 eth volume.
ARPPU : Average Revenue per Paid User.
This graph is drawn by Japanese time zone.