"Alien Worlds" is a metaverse built by the community. You can collect and play with NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), and build alongside planetary syndicates. Players can gather exotic NFT items such as different avatars, weapons, and tools, and explore the metaverse. Additionally, you can own virtual land, and earn TLM (Trilium) every time other explorers mine on your land.
Basic Information
- Game Title: Alien Worlds
- Genre: Metaverse
- Price: Free for basic play (WAX for account activation is required for a few tens of yen)
- Token: TLM (Trilium) - The liquidity token that powers Alien Worlds
- Blockchain: WAX, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain
- NFTs: Avatars, weapons, tools, etc.
- Virtual Land: 3,343 land NFTs created, with TLM earned every time explorers mine on the land
- Developer/Provider: Dacoco GmbH

Daily Data
Monthly Data
If there is no transaction history within the specified period, graphs may not be displayed.
Vol/day | Vol/7day | this month | this month's ARPPU | |
Volume | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Transaction | 0 | 0 | 0 |
DAU/24h | this month | this month's Paid User | this month's new wallets |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
TotalPlayer | MostExpensive | MostPaidUser | Balance |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Daily Volume Ranking
順位 | 日付 | 取引量 |
1 | 2024/05/21 | 3331372.02 |
2 | 2024/11/28 | 3186193.94 |
3 | 2025/01/07 | 2858463.97 |
4 | 2024/08/24 | 2481237.97 |
5 | 2024/11/22 | 2452380.58 |
Daily DAU Ranking
順位 | 日付 | 取引量 |
1 | 2023/05/28 | 248934 |
2 | 2023/05/29 | 248111 |
3 | 2023/05/31 | 244106 |
4 | 2023/06/05 | 239873 |
5 | 2023/05/30 | 239133 |
Wallet Ranking
rank | Wallet | Volume |
DAW: Daily Active Wallet
MAW: Monthly Active Wallet
Paid User : Number of people who have tx over 0 eth volume.
ARPPU : Average Revenue per Paid User.
This graph is drawn by Japanese time zone.