
Certainly, here is the English translation of the text:

"GALAXY BLITZ" is a Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game set in space where players command soldiers using heroes. The game features both NFT (Non-Fungible Token) and non-NFT heroes, each playing specific roles in combat. Additionally, players use spaceships to transport soldiers and carry out combat missions.

▪️Game Content
- Heroes and Spaceships: Players are gifted heroes and spaceships when they join the game, which serve as support in combat.
- Resources: There are four types of resources in the game, which are used to develop combat units and base structures.
- PVP Mode: Seasons occur every week, where players can earn points and receive rewards.
- DAO Tournament: There is a mode where DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) compete for Resource Planets and HY Planets.
- NFT Upgrades: Upgrading NFT units improves performance in combat.

▪️Basic Information
- Game Title: GALAXY BLITZ
- Genre: RTS (Real-Time Strategy)
- Supported Platforms: PC, MAC
- Price: Free-to-Play
- Status: Released
- P2E: Supported
- Network: BNB Chain, ZkSync, Oasys
- Token: $MIT (Governance Token), OasMIT
- NFT: StarShips, Heroes, Turrets
- Whitepaper: [https://galaxy-blitz.gitbook.io/gb-eco-wp/](https://galaxy-blitz.gitbook.io/gb-eco-wp/)

GALAXY BLITZ screen shot

「GALAXY BLITZ」Ratings and Reviews

No reviews have been posted yet.



Daily Data

Monthly Data

If there is no transaction history within the specified period, graphs may not be displayed.



Vol/day Vol/7day this month this month's ARPPU
Volume 0 0 0 0
Transaction 0 0 0


DAU/24h this month this month's Paid User this month's new wallets
0 0 0 0


TotalPlayer MostExpensive MostPaidUser Balance
22767 0.44 0.44 0

Daily Volume Ranking

順位 日付 取引量
1 2024/03/26 0.44
2 2022/08/08 0.06
3 2023/03/29 0.05
4 2024/01/01 0.03
5 2024/03/18 0

Daily DAU Ranking

順位 日付 取引量
1 2022/03/23 5389
2 2022/04/09 3668
3 2022/04/07 3422
4 2022/03/30 929
5 2022/03/31 904

Wallet Ranking

rank Wallet Volume
1 0x526fec7e2e... 0.44
2 0xe7a279fceb... 0.07
3 0x1fbe2acee1... 0.06
4 0xcb1ee90fa7... 0.05
5 0x0000000c7b... 0

DAW: Daily Active Wallet
MAW: Monthly Active Wallet
Paid User : Number of people who have tx over 0 eth volume.
ARPPU : Average Revenue per Paid User.
This graph is drawn by Japanese time zone.

Check ContractAddress

Check ContractAddress
1 0xe6906717f129427...
2 0xe28c51f4fa57dc4...