BOSS FIGHTERS is a P2E multiplayer action game in which VR players control a giant Boss character in intense and bizarre battles with a team of PC players. The game features VR player gameplay that makes full use of physics, and a sense of scale and power while controlling a giant Boss. It is an asymmetrical boss battle game where you enter the arena as a Boss or Fighter and become a superstar in the near future, fighting for valuable loot, rank, and audience entertainment. And the more spectators, the better the rewards for players. Spectators can be rewarded for supporting players and can also interact with the battle arena through the Twitch API.
Genre: Multiplayer, Online, PVP, PVE, VR
Compatibility: PC
Usage: Free to Play.
Release date: 2023Q1
Demo version: Closed alpha version (application required)
P2E: Supported
Network: SOLANA
Platforms: Steam, EGS, Mobile platforms, and Meta Quest.
NFT: User-created content, skins, maps, mods
Guild functionality: enable
Scholarship: -
Tokens: $BFT
Staking: enable
Lending: -
Marketplace: -
IEO : -
IDO : -
Smart Contract Auditing : -
Developer: Pixward Games
Partners: Enjin Starter, etc.
White paper: -