War of GAMA is a royal fantasy MMORPG NFT game. It aims at the Fight & Earn concept with multiple systems to enhance combat, field battles, leader battles, guild battles, and more.
Prevent the invasion of legendary ancient ferocious monsters emerging from the rift in time and space, find the legendary swords and armor lying in the continent, and become the strongest warrior in the world!
Genre: Multiplayer, Online, RPG, PVP, PVE
Compatibility: iOS,Android
Usage: Free to Play.
Release date: Pre-registration underway/NFT integrated full game 2023Q1 scheduled for release.
Demo version: 2nd closed beta scheduled
P2E: Supported
Languages: English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Thai
Network: SOLANA
Distribution platform: App Store, Google Play
NFT: NFT of characters, morph cards, summoner spirits, weapons, and game interior fixtures
Guild function: Supported
Scholarship: -Scholarship: -Scholarship: -Scholarship: -Scholarship
Tokens: $WARC (utility token) $GAMA (governance token)
Staking: Supported
Lending: -
Marketplace: Internal
IEO : -
IDO : Planned
INO : -
Smart Contract Audit : -
Provider: Gamamobi HK Co.
Developer: Megaverse Game.
Partners: Catheon Gaming. Gamamobi HK Co.,Limited etc.
White paper: https://warofgamawp.megaversegame.io/jp/
email: business@megaversegame.io