Chronos is a P2E 2D action RPG game in which you fight fierce enemies and build an empire as you attempt to greet the dawn in an apocalyptic world.
The game challenges players to explore mysterious and varied dungeons in order to obtain "Aether," a brilliant rare crystal with special properties that holds vast amounts of energy. Players can also trade in-game items such as weapons, skins, and parts with other players as they build and grow their homes, which will serve as a base for their journey.
You can earn Dark Aether through PVP, PVE mode, and exploration, as well as by trading crafted NFT items and other items. Cross-IP support will be available, and Youtuber and investor KManuS88's NFT collection will be available.
Genre: PVP, 2D action RPG, sandbox
Compatibility: PC, Mac, Android, iOS
Fee: Free of charge
Release date: 2022/12/08
Status: Private beta
P2E: Supported
Language: English
Distribution platform: Elixir
Guild function: Supported
Scholarship: Supported
Tokens: $Dark Aether (ingame token)
Staking: $Dark Aether (in-game token)
Lending: Supported
Trading: Supported
Marketplace: External
IEO : -
IDO : -
INO : -
Smart Contract Auditing : -
Provider: SphereStudios
Development Company: SphereStudios
Partners: Elixer, KManuS88,etc.
White paper: