
Evaverse is an Ethereum-enabled 3D social gaming platform that supports P2E and offers a variety of online game modes.

Game modes of EVAVERSE
Race around the Evaverse lunar base on a hoverboard and try to beat the fastest time. The more you race the hoverboard, the more experience, level, and speed you gain.
2. Cosmic Cup
Cosmic Cup is a pet racing battle game mode in which players compete in the "Evaverse Arena" as avatars of their faithful companions called Turtle Troops.

3. "EVAVERSE" Social Play
Accessible from the mini-game menu, "EVABISE" offers a variety of lightweight social games.
Treasure Hunting- Attach a hoverboard and search for hidden treasures.
Stepping Stones-Summon stepping stones and move freely across the map.
Railgun- Shoot and stun players from across the map.
Low Gravity - Climb the highest peak by changing your gravity settings
Bowling - Set some pins to knock down.
Soccer - Create a ball to kick around.

Genre: Multiplayer, PVP, Racing, 3D
Compatibility: Mac,Windows
Fee: Free
Release: Aug. 2, 2021
Status: Released
P2E: Supported
Language: English
Network: Ethereum
Distribution platform: Steam,WEBsite
NFT: Avatars, pets, hoverboats
Token: $EVA 
Guild function: -
Scholarship: Supported
Staking:- Supported
Lending: Supported
Trading: Opensea, etc.
Synthesis function
Marketplace: Internal (Evaverse S.N.A.X. Machine)
IDO : -
IDO : -
INO : -
Smart contract audit : -
Development Company: Battlebound inc.
Partners: a16z,Play Ventures,Dapper Labs,etc.
White paper : https://whitepaper.evaverse.com/
Roadmap :

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Evaverse screen shot

「Evaverse」Ratings and Reviews

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Daily Data

Monthly Data

If there is no transaction history within the specified period, graphs may not be displayed.



Vol/day Vol/7day this month this month's ARPPU
Volume 0 0 0 0
Transaction 0 0 9


DAU/24h this month this month's Paid User this month's new wallets
0 0 0 0


TotalPlayer MostExpensive MostPaidUser Balance
5518 40 97.7 0

Daily Volume Ranking

順位 日付 取引量
1 2021/08/16 103.3
2 2021/08/23 62.4
3 2021/07/22 60.8
4 2021/08/26 49.4
5 2021/07/15 42.6

Daily DAU Ranking

順位 日付 取引量
1 2021/08/16 604
2 2021/07/22 290
3 2021/08/17 199
4 2022/02/02 130
5 2021/07/15 128

Wallet Ranking

DAW: Daily Active Wallet
MAW: Monthly Active Wallet
Paid User : Number of people who have tx over 0 eth volume.
ARPPU : Average Revenue per Paid User.
This graph is drawn by Japanese time zone.

Check ContractAddress

Check ContractAddress
1 0x837704Ec8DFEC19...